Cawthorne Church Of England (VC) Primary School

Flourishing At Cawthorne


In its simplest terms flourishing at Cawthorne can be defined as developing successfully and thriving. However, the concept of flourishing is much more complex than our children achieving well at school. It transcends many different aspects and elements of our lives and permeates all levels of our community so that we all become well rounded individuals with strong foundations who can live our lives in all its fullness.


The journey of life is never straight forward. There will be many twists, turns and challenges that await us. Therefore, it is imperative that all members of our school community have the right, safe environment to acquire the key knowledge and skills to foster academic excellence, coupled with the essential wisdom and character development to promote individual excellence so that we shine bright for ourselves, for each other and for the communities and world in which we live. 


At Cawthorne, we have embraced the Bible story of the Good Samaritan because it illustrates our Christian Vision and Values in action. By studying and learning about this parable, we develop an in depth knowledge and understanding of how to live our lives so that we flourish in modern society.

In our unique school, our distinct Christian vision shapes all that we do. It is underpinned by the belief that everyone involved with our school will foster, develop and achieve human flourishing. Everyone at Cawthorne will develop successfully, mature into the best version of ourselves, just as God intended and will flourish when we:

  • Play an active part in life
  • Make the most of our potential
  • Cope well with changes
  • Have clear purpose, passion and fulfilment
  • Achieve our goals


In order to allow everyone to flourish in life, we provide a nurturing environment and carefully planned bespoke approaches across all aspects of our school that cater for our unique Cawthorne context, community and the ever changing world in which we live:

  • Provide a safe, welcoming, caring and inclusive environment filled with unconditional love where everyone can develop a strong sense of self and grow as a unique, valued individual: intellectually, socially, morally, spiritually, culturally, emotionally and physically


  • Have high expectations of our school community regardless of ability, gender, race or special need so that they are equipped with the essential knowledge, skills, concepts and tools for learning that are required for their future success


  • Focus on imparting the essential wisdom and character development needed to be confident, responsible, active and caring citizens who shine bright and make a positive difference


  • Promote a positive ‘can do’ Cawthorne attitude, independence and resilience, celebrating success and inspiring everyone to achieve their best in order to reach their full potential


  • Provide opportunities for everyone to develop a strong sense of belonging and worth by identifying their place in the school, our unique local context, national and global communities and make valuable contributions to these


  • Nurture positive relationships, collaborative partnerships and life enhancing connections with our school community so that everyone is engaged, informed and supported every step of the way on their journeys


  • Provide excellent quality first teaching and learning through an enriched, broad and meaningful Christian curriculum that promotes a love of learning and develops a community of successful life-long learners


These, in conjunction with a focus on developing each individual emotionally, psychologically, socially, physically, mentally and spiritually, will equip our children, staff, families and community with an understanding of who we are, why we are here, what we desire, how we should live so that we all flourish in our lives