Cawthorne Church Of England (VC) Primary School

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Welcome to Class One!

Reception and Year 1

Class Teacher: Mrs G. Bottomley

Teaching Assistant: Mrs E. Bradbury

Our classroom environment:

Information for new starters to school and returning Year 1 children, September 2023:

Welcome to Cawthorne CE (VC) Primary School.

We are really looking forward to welcoming you into our Foundation Stage (Reception) in September!

Please click on the PowerPoint presentation below for an introduction to our school. We shared this presentation at our welcome evening for parents.

Introduction to school - Presentation.pptx

You can use the PowerPoint presentation below to talk to your child about what to expect when they start in Class 1 and see what the classroom will look like. There is a printed version of this in your welcome packs that you have now received from school, so your child can continue to look at the photos to prepare them for coming to school. There is also a video tour of the classroom below.

New starter photo booklet - 2023 version.pptx

New starter video tour.mp4

On the page below, it gives you all the information you need about what to bring to school on which days of the week.

See you all soon!

Hello Year 1s,

I am looking forward to seeing you all back at school in September and I am so pleased that I will have you in Class 1 to help the new children settle in! I know you are going to work hard now you are in Year 1 and also enjoy still being able to play in all our lovely classroom areas and the outdoor area!

In September you won't need anything new to bring to school. You will need to continue to bring these things to school, as usual:

A book bag,

Black pumps for indoor use,

A small drawstring bag (no large rucksacks) containing black or navy shorts, white t-shirt and trainers for PE.

Our PE days and library book changing days are changing for September so please see the information below on this page.

See you soon!

Our new starters for September 2023 had a great time on their transition visits in July! They settled straight in and were excited to play at school. See photos below of them enjoying their new classroom and outdoor environment.

In the year 2023-24 we will be learning about:

  • All about me
  • Festivals and Customs
  • Homes, old and new
  • Our Amazing World
  • The Natural World
  • Transport and Journeys


Every day you will have Read Write Inc. Phonics lessons, learning sounds to help you learn to read and write.

You will have English (reading and writing) and Mathematics sessions daily.

Every week you will have PE lessons, Music and Drama, Topic lessons and Circle Time / Wellbeing.

In Class 1 we learn a lot through play and you will access the 'Continuous Provision' in the classroom and outdoor area every day. Activities are planned to match your learning, to enable you to practise newly learnt skills and to develop independence in using them. Through this planned, purposeful play you won't realise how much you are learning!


Things you will need in Class 1:


PE kits - Mondays and Fridays.

Library books - Tuesdays only. 

Reading books - every day!

Year 1 homework books - Thursdays.



  • Bring your book bag with your reading books in every day. We will put any letters in here for you to take home. We read with children on different days each week.
  • PE kits should be in a separate, small, drawstring bag. (White t-shirt, navy or black shorts, trainers).
  • On rainy days, wellies and a waterproof coat are needed. On sunny days, bring a sunhat. (A long-lasting sun cream should be applied at home before school).
  • Please do not bring any other personal items to school, including stationary.
  • Long hair (girls or boys) should be tied back, all day, every day for school.
  • No jewellery, tattoos or nail varnish to be worn at school.
  • Black pumps are needed for indoor wear. These will be kept at school each day and sent home in holidays for parents to check.
  • Please write in your child's reading record book every time they read. We only change reading books if they have been read at home. Book changing days are Mondays and Fridays.

IMPORTANT: Please name all items of your child's school uniform and PE kit.

Also remember to name: water bottles, bags, coats, pumps and shoes!