Cawthorne Church Of England (VC) Primary School

Welcome to Class 4 (Year 4 and Year 5) 

2023 - 2024

Mrs McGrath


I am really looking forward to welcoming you all in September! If you are new to Class Four, I'm sure you've all seen me around school and I'm excited to get to know you all.  Here is a little bit about me: I have two grown up daughters and a cat called Belle. In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family - walking, visiting new places and going to the theatre. I also love reading and baking. I'm looking forward to finding out all about what you enjoy doing!

Mrs Smith and Mrs Lindley will be our teaching assistants at different times next year.

In the first half term you be learning about/studying:

Literacy: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Maths: Place Value, Addition and  Subtraction

Topic: The Romans

Art: Pattern and mosaics

DT: Design and make a Roman Shield

RE: Christianity: Baptism, God and The Trinity

French: Greetings, body parts, food

PSHE: Feelings and emotions

Science: Animals, including humans


 Click below to find out information about Class 4.